Hester, Robert L., and Leah W. Hammer. Venular-arteriolar communication in the regulation of blood flow. Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 282: R1280-R1285, 2002; 10.1152/ajpregu. 00744.2001.-Muscle blood flow is regulated to meet the metabolic needs of the tissue. With the vasculature arranged as a successive branching of arterioles and the larger, Ͼ50 m, arterioles providing the major site of resistance, an increasing metabolic demand requires the vasodilation of the small arterioles first then the vasodilation of the more proximal, larger arterioles. The mechanism(s) for the coordination of this ascending vasodilation are not clear and may involve a conducted vasodilation and/or a flow-dependent response. The close arteriolar-venular pairing provides an additional mechanism by which the arteriolar diameter can be increased due to the diffusion of vasoactive substances from the venous blood. Evidence is presented that the venular endothelium releases a relaxing factor, a metabolite of arachidonic acid, that will vasodilate the adjacent arteriole. The stimulus for this release is not known, but it is hypothesized that hypoxia-induced ATP release from red blood cells may be responsible for the stimulation of arachidonic release from the venular endothelial cells. Thus the venous circulation is in an optimal position to monitor the overall metabolic state of the tissue and thus provide a feedback regulation of arteriolar diameter. vasodilation; venular endothelium; relaxing factor TISSUE BLOOD FLOW is regulated to meet the metabolic needs of each tissue and can change quite dramatically. Increases in tissue metabolism cause increases in blood flow (functional hyperemia), whereas excess oxygen delivery causes a decrease in blood flow. Blood flow to skeletal or cardiac muscle increases proportionally with increases in metabolic rate to ensure adequate delivery of nutrients and removal of waste products. Although the precise mechanisms governing this close relationship between metabolic state of the tissue and blood flow remain to be elucidated, the anatomical arrangement of arteries and veins may provide a unique mechanism allowing the exchange of information or "cross-talk" between the pre-and postcapillary vessels.The vasculature is arranged as a series of blood vessels ranging in size from several millimeters to several micrometers, with the largest contribution of total resistance to blood flow coming from the large "feed" arterioles. Thus, to achieve optimal increases in blood flow during periods of increased muscle metabolism, large decreases in resistance of these arterioles must occur. As these upstream or feed vessels are not necessarily in contact with the metabolically active tissue, mechanisms other than or in addition to direct stimulation by tissue metabolites must be important in functional hyperemia. Mechanisms that have been proposed to regulate the diameter of upstream vessels include 1) conducted vasodilation (14), 2) flow-dependent vasodilation (29), and 3) myogenic vasodilation ...