DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042193
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MicroRNA Profiling of Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated NK/T-Cell Lymphomas by Deep Sequencing

Abstract: The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is an oncogenic human Herpes virus involved in the pathogenesis of nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. EBV encodes microRNAs (miRNAs) and induces changes in the host cellular miRNA profile. MiRNAs are short non-coding RNAs of about 19–25 nt length that regulate gene expression by post-transcriptional mechanisms and are frequently deregulated in human malignancies including cancer. The microRNA profiles of EBV-positive NK/T-cell lymphoma, non-infected T-cell lymphoma and normal thymus were es… Show more

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Cited by 68 publications
(71 citation statements)
References 55 publications
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“…In EBV-infected natural killer/T cell lymphomas and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), miR-BART15-3p can be detected at low frequencies by deep sequencing (27,33). In contrast, miR-BART15-3p is not detected in EBV-infected diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, germinal center B cells, and memory B cells (34,35).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In EBV-infected natural killer/T cell lymphomas and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), miR-BART15-3p can be detected at low frequencies by deep sequencing (27,33). In contrast, miR-BART15-3p is not detected in EBV-infected diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, germinal center B cells, and memory B cells (34,35).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Versus FL, MCL, and CLL with splenic involvement miR-29c NMZL Up Craig et al (60) Versus lymph node with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia FL Down Karube et al (57) t(14;18)-negative cases miR-30a BL Down Lenze et al (34) Versus DLBCL miR-30b cHL Down Navarro et al (73) Versus reactive lymph nodes miR-30d BL Down Lenze et al (34) Versus DLBCL miR-31 ATL Down NIK ⁄ NF-kB Bellon et al (53) Versus CD4+ cells cHL Down Navarro et al (73) Versus reactive lymph nodes miR-34a DLBCL Up FOXP1 Liu (59) Associated with transformation from gastric MALT to DLBCL miR-96 cHL EBV+ Down Navarro et al (73) Versus EBV-negative cHL miR-101 FL Down Karube et al (57) t(14;18)-negative cases ALCL Down Merkel et al (30) Inhibition of prolifelation in ALK(+) type (cell lines) miR-125b DLBCL Up IRF4, BLIMP1 Malumbres et al (26) in GC-enriched cells miR-128a ⁄ b cHL EBV+ Down Navarro et al (73) Versus EBV-negative cHL miR-135a cHL Down JAK2 Navarro et al (73,76) Versus reactive pymph nodes, poor outcome miR-142-3p NK ⁄ T EBV+ Down IL1A Motsch et al (77) Versus NK ⁄ T EBV(À) cells ATL Up Yin et al (52) Versus HTLV1 infected cells, versus CD4+ cells (34) Versus DLBCL MALT(gastric) Up TP53INP1 Saito et al (78) Poor reactivity to H. pylori eradication therapy miR-146a BL Down Lenze et al (34) Versus DLBCL NK ⁄ T -TRAF6 Paik et al (79) Low miR-146a patients have poor prognosis DLBCL(ABC) Up Malumbres et al (26) Versus GCB DLBCL (cell line) miR-146b BL Down Lenze et al (34) Versus DLBCL DLBCL(ABC) Up Malumbres et al (26) Versus GCB DLBCL (cell line) miR-150 MCL Down Be a et al (37) Versus CD19+ or IgD B-cells NK ⁄ T Down DKC1, AKT2 Yamanaka et al (47) Versus CD56 cells cHL Down Gibcus et al (70) Versus NHL PCMZL Down Mons alvez et al (80) Inferior PFS miR-155 MCL Up Be a et al (37) Versus CD19+ or IgD B-cells BL Down AID Kluiver et al…”
Section: Microrna Dysregulation Strongly Contributes the Pathogenesismentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Previous studies have demonstrated that the expression levels of several miRNAs are downregulated in ENKTCL FFPE tissues, which is considered to contribute to the pathogenesis of the tumor by the loss of the suppressive effects that these miRNAs normally exert on their target genes (1,(21)(22)(23)(24)(25). In a study by Ng et al (1), the expression levels of miR-10a, miR-22, miR-340, miR-342-3p and miR-590-5p appeared to be downregulated in ENKTCL FFPE tissues, compared with normal NK cells, according to the results of human miRNA microarray analysis.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%