Interest in the level and organization of nucleotide diversity in domesticated plant lineages has recently been motivated by the potential for using association-based mapping techniques as a means for identifying the genes underlying complex traits. To date, however, such data have been available only for a relatively small number of well-characterized plant taxa. Here we provide the first detailed description of patterns of nucleotide polymorphism in wild and cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus), using sequence data from nine nuclear genes. The resuflts of this study indicate that wild sunflower harbors at least as much nucleotide diversity as has been reported in other wild plant taxa, with randomly selected sequence pairs being expected to differ at 1 of every 70 bp. In contrast, cultivated sunflower has retained only 40-50% of the diversity present in the wild. Consistent with this dramatic reduction in polymorphism, a phylogenetic analysis of our data revealed that the cultivars form a monophyletic clade, adding to the growing body of evidence that sunflower is the product of a single domestication. Eight of the nine loci surveyed appeared to be evolving primarily under purifying selection, while the remaining locus may have been the subject of positive selection. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) decayed very rapidly in the self-incompatible wild sunflower, with the expected LD falling to negligible levels within 200 bp. The cultivars, on the other hand, exhibited somewhat higher levels of LD, with nonrandom associations persisting up to 1100 bp. Taken together, these results suggest that association-based approaches will provide a high degree of resolution for the mapping of functional variation in sunflower.T HE domestication of crop plants is typically accompanied by a genomewide loss of genetic diversity (Tanksley and McCouch 1997). This reduction in diversity is typically due, at least in part, to the population bottleneck that occurs during the founding of a new crop lineage (e.g., Eyre-Walker et al. 1998). In addition to this so-called ''domestication bottleneck,'' the transition to self-fertilization that often accompanies domestication can further reduce levels of genetic diversity (Pollack 1987;Nordborg 2000), as can selection on the genes underlying agronomically important traits (although this latter effect occurs in a locusspecific fashion; e.g., Hanson et al. 1996;Tenaillon et al. 2004). While the effects of domestication on genetic diversity are likely to vary across taxa, comprehensive surveys of nucleotide diversity in crop plants and their wild progenitors have been performed in only a handful of systems. On the basis of data from the major cereal crops, it appears that genomewide reductions in diversity on the order of 30-40% are not uncommon (Buckler et al. 2001), with selectively important loci often exhibiting even greater losses (e.g., Whitt et al. 2002). In addition to these effects on the overall level of polymorphism, domestication can also have a major impact on the organiz...