We present a microscopic derivation of acoustic phonon damping in amorphous solids based on the nonaffine response formalism for the viscoelasticity of amorphous solids. The analytical theory, which is entirely microscopic and takes into account the nonaffine displacements in transverse waves, is able to predict both the ubiquitous low-energy diffusive damping ∼ k 2 , as well as the Rayleigh damping ∼ k 4 at higher wavevectors and the crossover between the two regimes observed experimentally. The coefficient of the diffusive term is proportional to the microscopic viscous (Langevin-type) damping in particle motion (which arises from anharmonicity), and to the nonaffine correction to the static shear modulus, whereas the Rayleigh damping emerges in the limit of low anharmonicity, consistent with previous observations and macroscopic models. The calculation is demonstrated on the important example of transverse waves, although it is straightforward to generalize the results to longitudinal waves.