Granular flows are found across multiple geophysical environments and include pyroclastic density currents, debris flows, and avalanches, among others. The key to describing transport of these hazardous flows is the rheology of these complex multiphase mixtures. Here we use the multiphase model MFIX in 2‐D for concentrated currents to examine the implications of rheological assumptions and validate this approach through comparison to experiments of both frictional and fluidized flows made of glass beads (Sauter mean grain‐size of 75 μm). Because the rheology of highly polydisperse, highly angular, polydensity granular mixtures is poorly known, we focus on simplified monodisperse or bidisperse mixtures described by the frictional flow theory of Schaeffer (1987, and Srivastava‐Sundaresan, often referred to as the Princeton model (Srivastava & Sundaresan, 2003, We show that simulations including the latter model replicate well the flow shape, kinematics, and pore fluid pressure that match well‐constrained dam‐break experiments of initially fluidized or pressure‐balanced granular flows. Simulations reveal that pore fluid pressure is intrinsically modulated by dilation and compaction of the flow and hence can be generated in concentrated pyroclastic density currents. We use these simulations to interpret basal pore pressure signals from local flow properties (mixture density, solid velocity, and pore fluid pressure). Rheological changes retard these simulated flows considerably near the predicted runout, but most continuum models cannot inherently predict a zero velocity. We suggest an inertial number parameter that can be used to approximate deposition, and this approach could be a valuable tool used to validate simulations against natural pyroclastic current examples.