extend a theory for the deformation of glassy polymers based
on the heterogeneous nature of the dynamics up to the strain-hardening
regime. We attribute the latter to the increase of free-energy barriers
for α-relaxation as a consequence of local orientation of monomers.
The free-energy barriers are set on a scale ξ ≈ 5 nm
or of about N
c ∼ 1000 monomers
which are involved in the α-relaxation mechanism. The variation
of the local free-energy barriers is given by the expression
, where ΔF
0 is
the free-energy barrier per monomer in the glassy state, typically
g for an aged polymer,
is the local order parameter (nematic in
nature) whose distribution is computed during the course of deformation,
is the local stress, and G
0′ is the bulk glassy modulus.
is an energy scale of the typical order
of 0.2–0.3k
g. The second term is negative and is responsible for yielding
and the onset of plastic flow. The third one is positive and becomes
important after a large deformation has significantly oriented the
chains on the scale of the monomers. It may overcompensate the decrease
of the free-energy barriers due to the increasing stress and is responsible
for strain hardening. Since the contribution of the stress to the
reduction of the free-energy barrier between stress softening and
the deformation λ ∼ 2 is of the order of −5k
g, the contribution
which leads to strain hardening,
, is found to be of the
order of 10 k
g, which corresponds
to an increase of the order of 0.01k
g per monomer. This order of magnitude is compatible
with the calculated values of the order parameter q ∼ 0.3 in the direction of tension during our simulations
as well as that measured by Vogt et al. (1990) by NMR. We calculate
the evolution dynamics of the order parameter
. Its dynamics is controlled by a driving
force due to the local stress and a relaxation process due to rotational
diffusion. The latter is entropic in nature and may be very slow in
glassy polymers. We compare the predictions of our model to recent
experimental results regarding the evolution of both the dominant
relaxation time under applied strain and the width of the relaxation
times distribution up to a large deformation amplitude, and more specifically
their non-monotonic behavior.