2,895,620 for 258 spectral points, whereas the hybrid method complexity is 64,512 for 1024 sampling points. The real test on a PC takes about five minutes to perform the third-order nonlinear simulation for the pure frequency-domain approach. The hybrid method only takes about six seconds to complete the same work.
CONCLUSIONIn this paper, a hybrid method for Volterra analysis to simulate the weakly nonlinear characteristics of MESFET amplifiers for digital wireless communications systems has been proposed. The major modification is the time-domain equivalent baseband representation for the modulation signal, while the nonlinear calculations are still performed in the frequency-domain via Volterra expansions. Theoretical derivation indicates that complexity reduction can be achieved by using this hybrid approach. Numerical simulations showed the good agreement between the new and traditional approaches for the spectrum, ACPR, and EVM of the MESFET output signals with a large improvement in computation efficiency. The proposed method has potential applications for both circuitand system-level simulations in digital wireless communications. To theoretically investigate the behaviour of noise sources in their hybrid configuration, physical quasi-2D (Q-2D) simulators, such as those proposed in [5,6], provide a cost-effective solution. While a Q-2D analysis has already been applied in [7] to the study of Pospieszalski's model, no theoretical studies on the bias dependence of the hybrid-model noise sources (including correlation), are available in the literature, to the authors' knowledge.
BIAS-DEPENDENCE OF FET INTRINSIC NOISE SOURCES, DETERMINED WITH A QUASI-2D MODELThe purpose of this paper is to theoretically obtain the correlated hybrid noise sources and their bias dependence in arbitrary MESFET and HEMT devices, by using a new Q-2D model. In contrast to previous works, the Q-2D simulator presented here is based upon Thornber's current equation. This equation was suggested in [8] to include nonstationary effects (overshoot effect) due to the electric-field space gradient in short-gate devices (submicrometer FETs), but had not been applied to Q-2D models. This approach is a simpler, yet more accurate, alternative to the simultaneous solution of momentum and energy-conserving nonlinear equations proposed in [5,6]. Local equivalent noise sources in the active channel are introduced in order to derive the device's intrinsic noise sources by using a nodal matrix method. Experimental verification up to 26 GHz is presented.
PHYSICAL, Q-2D BASED FET NOISE MODELThe proposed Q-2D model for HEMTs is performed in two steps. The first step consists of charge-control and electron transport analysis to compute the DC-characteristics. The second step is the DC-model extension to analyse the device's noise parameters. Charge-control analysis is performed by solving Poisson's and The electron transport analysis is accomplished by using Thornber's 1D generalised current equation. According to [8], the electron velocity can be exp...