polyolefins, from which the volumetric expansive coefficients and glass transition temperatures (T g ) could be determined. Up to now, this method has been extensively applied to complex polymers, [4] including dendrimers [5,6] and crosslinked networks, [7,8] to examine effects of various factors (i.e., molecular weight, [9] tacticity, [10] confinement [11] ) on the volumetric properties.However, in order to achieve repeatable results, adequate thermodynamics equilibrium should be usually attained in these AA MD simulations. Although a great variety of schemes have been proposed to improve the sampling efficiency, restrained by the current computational power, the productive AA MD simulations are only generally suitable for investigating short-term behaviors of small short-chain polymer (namely, oligomer) systems. To study specific polymer systems at the wide timeand space-scales, one of quite promising schemes is multiscale modeling, which groups every AA segment into one super-atom or coarse-grained (CG) bead. [12,13] In this scheme, it is critical to obtain the "potential energy" (referred to free energy or potential of mean force in most cases) that can accurately describe chain structure and interbead interactions. [14,15] Numerous CG methods have been developed, [16] among which most typical ones include iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI), [17] force match, [18][19][20] inverse Monte Carlo, [21] conditional reversible work (CRW), [22,23] and MARTINI, [24] etc. Mainly, these methods differ in the target functions that are used to parameterize the nonbonded CG potentials. For example, the IBI method [17] adopts the structural distributions, the CRW method [22] uses the interaction free energy, and the MARTINI method [24] aims to reproduce the partitioning free energies.In general, the CG potentials parameterized until now suffer from representability and transferability. [16,25,26] Namely, even at the same state as the parameterized one with some properties, simulations with these CG potentials cannot reproduce other properties; and CG potentials that are parameterized at some state cannot reliably be used at other states. In order to improve the predictive power of CG simulations, numerous studies have been carried out during the past decade. Here only some of typical ones are mentioned. As one of early works, Qian et al. [27] modified the IBI potentials by a temperature factor to reproduce the thermal expansion coefficients over a broad range of temperature. This method was called one-point extrapolation
Multiscale SimulationsThe poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is employed as one typical example to demonstrate a new multiscale modeling scheme for simulating high-molecularweight polymeric melts. In this scheme, the structural distributions and the densities at five elevated temperatures at 1 atm, which are obtained from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of all-atomistic oligomeric melt, are employed as the target functions to parameterize the coarse-grained (CG) potentials. The extensive CG MD simulations rep...