We simulate the excited states of the Lipkin model using the recently proposed Quantum Equation of Motion (qEOM) method. The qEOM generalizes the EOM on classical computers and gives access to collective excitations based on quasi-boson operators Ô † n (α) of increasing configuration complexity α. We show, in particular, that the accuracy strongly depends on the fermion to qubit encoding. Standard encoding leads to large errors, but the use of symmetries and the Gray code reduces the quantum resources and improves significantly the results on current noisy quantum devices. With this encoding scheme, we use IBM quantum machines to compute the energy spectrum for a system of N = 2, 3 and 4 particles, and compare the accuracy against the exact solution. We found that the results of the approach with α = 2, an analog of the second random phase approximation (SRPA), are, in principle, more accurate than with α = 1, which corresponds to the random phase approximation (RPA), but the SRPA is more amenable to noise for large coupling strengths. Thus, the proposed scheme shows potential for achieving higher spectroscopic accuracy by implementations with higher configuration complexity, if a proper error mitigation method is applied.