We theoretically demonstrate the population switching of quantum dots (QD's), modeled as two-level atoms in idealized one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals (PC's) by self-consistent solution of the Maxwell-Bloch equations. In our semiclassical theory, energy states of the electron are quantized, and electron dynamics is described by the atomic Bloch equation, while electromagnetic waves satisfy the classical Maxwell equations. Near a waveguide cutoff in a photonic band gap, the local electromagnetic density of states (LDOS) and spontaneous emission rates exhibit abrupt changes with frequency, enabling large QD population inversion driven by both continuous and pulsed optical fields. We recapture and generalize this ultrafast population switching using the Maxwell-Bloch equations. Radiative emission from the QD is obtained directly from the surrounding PC geometry using finite-difference time-domain simulation of the electromagnetic field. The atomic Bloch equations provide a source term for the electromagnetic field. The total electromagnetic field, consisting of the external input and radiated field, drives the polarization components of the atomic Bloch vector. We also include a microscopic model for phonon dephasing of the atomic polarization and nonradiative decay caused by damped phonons. Our self-consistent theory captures stimulated emission and coherent feedback effects of the atomic Mollow sidebands, neglected in earlier treatments. This leads to remarkable high-contrast QD-population switching with relatively modest (factor of 10) jump discontinuities in the electromagnetic LDOS. Switching is demonstrated in three separate models of QD's placed (i) in the vicinity of a band edge of a 1D PC, (ii) near a cutoff frequency in a bimodal waveguide channel of a 2D PC, and (iii) in the vicinity of a localized defect mode side coupled to a single-mode waveguide channel in a 2D PC.where q is the phonon wave vector, ω q is the phonon frequency, η q is the electron-phonon interaction coefficient, and b q and b † q are the annihilation and creation operators of phonons, respectively ([b q ,b † q ] = 1). b q (t) satisfies the Heisenberg equation of motion,(Conventionally, the second term is neglected for simplicity, although η q is larger than hω q at a certain |q| [28].) Then, b q (t) = b q e −iω q t (independent boson model). Using the polaron transformation H = e X H e −X , where X = qthe polaron shift and 053811-3 HIROYUKI TAKEDA AND SAJEEV JOHN PHYSICAL REVIEW A 83, 053811 (2011) D ± = exp[± q η q hω q (b † q − b q )] are lattice displacement operators. Then, H = e −XĤ e X is rewritten as