We show that the formation of a magnon condensate in thin ferromagnetic films can be explained within the framework of a classical stochastic non-Markovian Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation where the properties of the random magnetic field and the dissipation are determined by the underlying phonon dynamics. We have numerically solved this equation for a tangentially magnetized yttrium-iron garnet film in the presence of a parallel parametric pumping field. We obtain a complete description of all stages of the nonequilibrium time evolution of the magnon gas which is in excellent agreement with experiments. Our calculation proves that the experimentally observed condensation of magnons in yttrium-iron garnet at room temperature is a purely classical phenomenon which should be called Rayleigh-Jeans rather than Bose-Einstein condensation.PACS numbers: 75.30. Ds, 75.10.Hk, 05.30.Jp In the past decade the nonequilibrium dynamics of parametrically pumped magnons in thin yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) films has been investigated by many experimental studies [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Very rich physics was found, including the overpopulation of the lowest energy state, which was interpreted as Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnons at room temperature and finite momentum. Using the technique of Brillouin light scattering it is even possible to measure the magnon distribution with momentum and time resolution [10]. This allows an observation of the parametric resonance and of the subsequent thermalization leading to the formation of the condensate in detail [6,7]. Unfortunately, a complete theoretical understanding of this phenomenon is still lacking and there is no theory that can simultaneously describe all stages of the experiment. While the so-called S-theory [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] is able to describe the parametric resonance used to populate certain magnon states, it does not properly take magnon-magnon scattering into account and therefore cannot describe the cascade of relaxation processes leading to the formation of a magnon condensate. On the other hand, theories that focus on the condensate usually do not take the pumping dynamics into account and start with some given quasiequilibrium state which can be identified with the ground state of some effective quantum mechanical Hamiltonian [19][20][21]. Phenomenological approaches of the Ginzburg-Landau type also have been used to study the condensation dynamics [22]. Finally, theories dealing with the relaxation processes and kinetics of excited magnons did not include the possibility of magnon condensation [23][24][25][26].Since BEC is a manifestation of quantum mechanics, it seems at the first sight reasonable that quantized magnons obeying Bose statistics are essential to obtain a satisfactory theoretical description of magnon condensation in YIG. However, since the experiments are performed at room temperature, which is large compared with the relevant magnon energies, the equilibrium distribution of the magnons is the Rayleigh-Jeans rather than t...