The perforation of the borehole casing and cement is the final stage in any well completion, before hydraulic fracturing, in order to establish a connection with the reservoir. The generated seismic impression characteristics of this crucial step have always been neglected to date and are the topic of this thesis. A downhole and surface hydraulic fracturing monitoring dataset from the Fayetteville Shale has been analysed to develop a better understanding of the seismic perforation expressions and to identify influencing reservoir properties. This requires a combination of data processing and forward modelling. The perforation shots typically give rise to multiple P-wave and S-wave arrivals. In order to match the observed arrivals with the modelled ones, two crucial geological parameters need to be included into the well log based velocity model: an apparently negligible 1.6 • subsurface dip and a strong anisotropy (< 50%) in the Fayetteville Shale. Of equal importance are shot generated waves travelling through the treatment well, also known as tube waves, giving rise to secondary seismic events. These are characterised by low frequency waveforms, which appear to be favourably transported through the borehole and converted into body waves. Hence, the arrivals related to source, propagation, and treatment operation effects become interlinked and need very careful separation and interpretation.