To assess the impact of tax-bene…t policy changes on income distribution over time, we suggest a methodology based on counterfactual simulations. We start by decomposing changes in inequality/poverty indices into three contributions: reforms of the tax-bene…t structure (rules, rates, etc.), changes in nominal levels of market incomes and tax-bene…t parameters (bene…t amounts, tax bands, etc.), and all other changes in the underlying population (market income inequality, demographic composition, employment level, etc.). Then, the decomposition helps to extract an absolute measure of the impact of tax-bene…t changes on inequality when evaluated against a distributionally-neutral benchmark, i.e. a situation where tax-bene…t parameters are adjusted in line with income growth.We apply this measure to assess recent policy changes in twelve European countries. Finally, the full decomposition allows quantifying the relative role of policy changes compared to all other factors. We provide an illustration on France and Ireland and check the sensitivity of the results to the decomposition order.Key Words : Tax-bene…t policy, inequality, poverty, decomposition, microsimulation.
JEL Classi…cation : H23, H53, I32Acknowledgement: We are grateful to Tony Atkinson and Brian Nolan for useful comments. We are indebted to all past and current members of the EUROMOD consortium as well as to those involved in the development of the model. Any remaining errors, results produced, interpretations or views presented are the authors' responsibility. Simulations performed in this study rely on national micro-data sets and on the European Community Household Panel