Figure 30214min. / 7 = 0 6 5 m m . d / h = O 0 8 . c , = 9 3 9 , a n d c 2 = 9 5Charge distribution functions for u = 0517 mm. 5 = the present method are closer to the exact ones, and therefore have larger line capacitances, which then gives rise to smaller characteristic impedances
CONCLUSIONIn this work the variational method is adopted to analyze the coupled microstrips with a dielectric overlay. To get the maximum values, an optimization method is described. And it is found that the calculated results of the characteristic impedance agree quite well with those of Paolino. Hence the polynomial-fitting method is correct and useful in obtaining the closest charge density functions. As this method is independent of the specific microstrip structure, therefore it is of great use in the analysis of microstrip-like transmission lines. The details of application will be published in a future work.ABSTRACT W e desmhe u numericul upprouth to the problem of phusr recouey in coherent opticul communications systems corrupted by phuse noise. Two udiwttuges not present in preoiow treutments ure the fucts thot the effects of the nonlinearity ure treuted exuc.tlv und u probuhility drstrihutiori for the filtered output I S obtained wrthoui resorting to upper hound.s. The resulis ure upplied io u sensitwit@ c,ulculution for phuse-shift-kewi s )'stems.