In the work scientific and applied principles of conjugation of the technology of obtaining nickel powder materials from waste heat-resistant nickel alloy of ZhS6U (ЖС6У) grade by electroerosion dispersion and technology of their compacting by spark plasma sintering are implemented. The purpose of this work was to study the composition, structure, and properties of heat-resistant products made by spark plasma sintering of powders obtained by electrodispersion of ZhS6U alloy waste in illuminating kerosene. Electrodispersion of waste heat-resistant ZhS6U alloy was carried out in illuminating kerosene on a patented unit. The conducted studies have shown that the method of electroerosion dispersion of ZhS6U alloy waste in illuminating kerosene makes it possible to obtain heat-resistant nickel alloy powder with a uniform distribution of alloying elements. The obtained heat-resistant nickel powder was sintered in the SPS 25-10 "Thermal Technology" system (USA). The economic efficiency of this method is due to the use of waste ZhS6U grade alloy in a low-energy production technology of heat-resistant alloys. The implementation of the planned activities will solve the problem of recycling waste heat-resistant nickel alloys and their reuse in the manufacture of heat-resistant products. Based on the experimental studies aimed at investigating the composition, structure and properties of sintered samples of heat-resistant alloys, from electric erosion powders obtained in illuminating kerosene, a high efficiency of spark plasma sintering technology has been shown, which provides for suppression of grain growth, low porosity and high physical and mechanical properties with uniform heat distribution over the sample and a short working cycle time. It is noted that the heat resistant alloys made of particles of ZhS6U alloy dispersed by electric erosion and obtained by spark plasma sintering have the following characteristics: has fine grain structure in the absence of pores, cracks and other defects; the main elements in the alloys are: С, Аl, W, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ni, Nb, Co и Ti; main phases: Ni, Ni 17 W 3 , C 5 NbTi 2 and Al 0.9 Ni 4.22 ; porosity is 0.18%; average microhardness value is 460 HV 0.2 .