Micro-tensile testing and numerical analysis using a crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) were employed to elucidate the deformation behaviour of bainite/martensite structures of a low-alloy steel. The bainite single-phase specimens exhibited habit-plane-orientation-dependent yielding, similar to the martensite single-phase specimens. In the bainite/martensite dual-phase specimen, deformation concentrated in the bainite region oriented favourably for in-habit-plane slip, leading to low-ductility fracture. With consideration of the habit-plane-orientation-dependent yielding, the present CPFEM analysis successfully reproduced the anisotropic plastic deformation behaviour of the single-phase steels observed in the experiments. The numerical results for the bainite/martensite specimen showed slip localization in the bainite region and stress concentration near the interphase boundary. This suggests that the interphase boundary can be a site for the fracture origin.KEY WORDS: micromechanical characterisation; bainite; martensite-austenite constituent; crystal plasticity finite element analysis; plastic anisotropy; habit plane.tensitic phases hinders the understanding of the mechanical response of each phase.Mine et al. have analysed the mechanical characteristics of the microconstituents in the single-phase lath martensite structure of a low-alloy steel using micro-tensile testing.12) This study revealed that lath martensite structures with single packets exhibited moderate ductility and that the plastic deformation behaviour depended on the habitplane orientation relative to the loading direction. Thus, micro-tensile testing allows for the analysis of deformation behaviour on the microstructural scale. In addition, a microtensile test study by Ogata et al. indicated that pre-strained ferrite/martensite dual-phase steel was embrittled by ultra grain refinement in the ferrite region, rather than by cracking in the martensite region.13) This finding suggested that martensite was not always the main cause of embrittlement in high-strength steels. In the present study, microtensile testing was employed to characterise the mechanical response of each phase in a bainite/martensite structure. Additionally, numerical analysis with crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) was performed to elucidate the microscopic mechanism of the experimentally observed deformation behaviour.The CPFEM analyses have helped in understanding plastic behaviours, 14,15) and studies on dual-phase steels successfully reproduced the observed deformation and fracture behaviours. 16,17) However, few studies have applied CPFEM to bainite/martensite dual-phase-structured steel. Therefore, in the present study, we confirm the applicability of a simple CPFEM with linear hardening laws to the deforma- ISIJ International, Vol. 56 (2016), No. 12tion behaviour of the bainite and martensite single-phase structures. Furthermore, by using the material parameters identified in the analyses of single-phase structures, the analysis of the bainit...