Microstructural changesinq uasicrystalline Al-Mn-Be-Cua lloy afterv ariousheat treatmentsIn this studyw ei nvestigated the microstructural changes after av ariety of heat treatments of the quasicrystalline Al -Mn-Be-Cu alloy. In addition, we report on Vickers microhardness measurementsa nd tensile-test results for the same materials. The samples werep roduced in ac onventional manner,i .e., melting in an electrical resistance furnacei na ir and ag ravitational casting process usinga round copper die, which was in the form of at ensile-test specimen withadiameterof5mm. After the casting, some of the samples werej ust solution treated (annealed)a nd then quenched in water, while others were additionally aged (artificially -T 6, or naturally -T 4) or directly aged after the casting. In comparison to the as-cast state, the Vickers microhardness values of the aluminum-based matrix and the tensilep roperties of the samples decreased when just the solutiont reatment, T4 or T6 treatment was performed. The tensile properties also decreased after the heat treatments. Amicrostructural inspection revealed that the microstructural changes occurred already duringt he solution treatment, i. e., the formationo ft he phases Be 4 Al(Mn,Cu) and s 1 -Al 29 Mn 6 Cu 4 on the approximant H-Al 4 Mn and quasicrystalline i-phase particles' edges and the occurrence of precipitatesinthe a Al matrix.The precipitates that would additionally contribute to the hardening of the alloyd id not form. The directly aged samples showed little or no increase in microhardness values in comparison to the as-cast samples, but possibilities of h @ precipitates being formed from the already saturated matrix after the casting could not be excluded.After all the heat treatments the quasicrystalline i-phase, as ap rimary and eutectic phase, was preserved.