The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) has selected the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) design for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Project. The NGNP will demonstrate the use of nuclear power for electricity and hydrogen production without greenhouse gas emissions. The reactor design will be a graphite moderated, helium-cooled, prismatic or pebble-bed, thermal neutron spectrum reactor that will produce electricity and hydrogen in a state-of-the-art thermodynamically efficient manner. The NGNP will use very high burn-up, low-enriched uranium, TRISO-coated fuel and have a projected plant design service life of 60 years.The VHTR concept is considered to be the nearest-term reactor design that has the capability to efficiently produce hydrogen. The plant size, reactor thermal power, and core configuration will ensure passive decay heat removal without fuel damage or radioactive material releases during accidents. The NGNP Project is envisioned to demonstrate the following:A full-scale prototype VHTR by about 2021High-temperature Brayton Cycle electric power production at full scale with a focus on economic performance Nuclear-assisted production of hydrogen (with about 10% of the heat) with a focus on economic performance By test, the exceptional safety capabilities of the advanced gas-cooled reactors. Developing a specific approach, program plan and other project management tools for managing the R&D program elements Developing a specific work package for the R&D activities to be performed during each government fiscal year Reporting the status and progress of the work based on committed deliverables and milestones Developing collaboration in areas of materials R&D of benefit to the NGNP with countries that are a part of the Generation IV International ForumEnsuring that the R&D work performed in support of the materials program is in conformance with established Quality Assurance and procurement requirements iii The objective of the NGNP Materials R&D Program is to provide the essential materials R&D needed to support the design and licensing of the reactor and balance of plant, excluding the hydrogen plant. The materials R&D program is being initiated prior to the design effort to ensure that materials R&D activities are initiated early enough to support the design process and support the Project Integrator. The thermal, environmental, and service life conditions of the NGNP will make selection and qualification of some high-temperature materials a significant challenge; thus, new materials and approaches may be required. The following materials R&D program areas are currently addressed in the R&D program being performed or planned:Qualification and testing of nuclear graphite and carbon fiber/carbon matrix composites for use in the NGNP. These components are essential to any VHTR design and the irradiation induced dimensional and material property changes must be properly modeled.Development of improved high-temperature design methodologies for application toward the further development, qualification, ...