Jessika Rojas for supporting me with their expertise and guidance to maneuver through my research project. A special appreciation and thanks to my PhD advisor Dr. Jayasimha Atulasimha for his continued encouragement, advice and guidance for my research and career goals. He is truly an amazing mentor one could wish for. I would also like to thank Dr. Ganapati R. Myeneni for permitting my choice of this project and supporting me in abundance through Jefferson Lab. I would especially like to acknowledge Dr. Sama Bilbao y León for the travel upkeep to attend magnetic shielding workshop at the facility for rare isotope beams. I appreciate her remarkable and thoughtful advice on numerous occasions. I would also like to thank my previous advisor Dr. B. Hinderliter at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, for the earlier discussions regarding my Ph.D. research topic. I would like to acknowledge M. Adolf at Amuneal Corporation for providing me with free Amumetal, A4K samples and for helping with the annealing process. Finally, I would like to acknowledge Nanomaterial Core Characterization at VCU for letting me use VSM. I extend my gratitude to Prof. R. Greene and Dr. S. Saha at the University of Maryland for letting me use SQUID Magnetometer. It is with all this organization and supervision that my project has received its direction and has reached its completion.