A novel severe plastic deformation method entitled rolling with cyclic movement of rolls was proposed to fabricate ultrafine grained CuCr0.6 copper alloy. The alloy in the solution treated conditions was processed by rolling with cyclic movement of rolls method by using process parameters as amplitude of rolls movement (A = 0.9 mm), frequency of rolls movement (f = 1 Hz), rolling reduction (ε h =50%) and rolling rate (v = 1, v = 2, v = 3 rpm). Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and a electron backscattering diffraction detector, and scanning transmission electron microscopy were used for microstructural characterization, and hardness tests for a preliminary assessment of mechanical properties. Quantitative studies of the average diameter of the subgrains d (µm) and the average diameter of the grains D (µm) were performed using the scanning electron microscopy/electron backscattering diffraction method. Misorientation angles were analyzed by the Kikuchi-line technique using TSL-OIM software. The results show that the samples underwent very high strain at the lateral areas and smaller at the central areas. As a result, the microstructure became heterogeneous and remained unchanged with change in compression rate. The transverse movement of rolls causes in the material significant effect of refining structure in peripheral areas of sample.