“…To make the samples more electrically conductive, a Luxor Au SEM COATER—CT-2201-0144 (Kusterdingen, Germany) was used to deposit a 5 nm coating of gold to the surface and cross-section of the samples. An SEM FEI Quanta 200 3D microscope (Brno, Czech Republic) with the following specifications was used: Low vacuum mode, LFD (large field detector), HV (high voltage): 20 kV, WD (working distance): 10 mm, comparable to previous research [ 28 ], and a Vega TESCAN LMHII SEM microscope (Brno, Czech Republic) with the following parameters [ 29 ]: secondary electrons (SE) detector, electron gun supply: 30 kV, high vacuum, and 15.5 mm working distance. X-ray diffractions were performed using a Panalytical Xpert PRO MPD 3060 (Almelo, The Netherlands) facility equipped with a Cu X-ray tube (K = 1.54051), 2Theta: 20°–90°, step size: 0.13°, time/step: 51 s, and a scan speed of 0.065651°/s in the reflection mode.…”