“…The in ves ti ga tions con cern mostly the re la tion ship be tween ma trix and skel e ton grains, and al low the in fer ence about rhe ol ogy of de pos its -based on the descrip tion of de for ma tions (duc tile, brit tle and com plex) as well as micro struc tures formed by pore-wa ter. The re sults of sub sequent in ves ti ga tions in di cate that not in di vid ual micro struc tures are di ag nos tic but rather their co in ci dence in sep a rate till types (Hiemstra and Rijsdijk, 2003;Men zies and Zaniewski, 2003;Phillips, 2006;Van der Meer et al, 2011). Mod ern re search on the subglacial till micromorphology mostly aims to de ter mine ice dy nam ics (e.g., Hiemstra and Van der Meer, 1997;Menzies, 2000;Ev ans and Hiemstra, 2005).…”