Penile amputation is an extremely rare traumatic event. The majority of cases involve adult self-mutilation due to psychological problems or surgical mishaps during circumcision of infants 1,2 . Prior to the advent of microsurgery, survival of the replanted penis depended on the adequacy of sinusoidal blood flow to re-approximated penile tissues 1 . Consequently, tissue necrosis, urethral stricture, loss of sensation, erectile dysfunction was often occurred.Microsurgical replantation has the potential to reduce such complications, but most of the reported successes (approximately 30 cases) have focused on survival, rather than meticulous technique, and were not free of postoperative complications. To restore baseline penile function, the intrinsic anatomy of the penis must be maintained.We have achieved complete anatomic restoration of a severed adult penis using a microsurgical technique that eliminates complications. The details are described here in two case reports. Normal function and aesthetics resulted in each case.