Isovolemic exchange transfusion of 40% of the blood volume in awake hamsters was used to replace native red blood cells (RBCs) with RBCs whose hemoglobin (Hb) was oxidized to methemoglobin (MetHb), MetRBCs. The exchange maintained constant blood volume and produced different final hematocrits (Hcts), varying from 48 to 62% Hct. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) did not change after exchange transfusion, in which 40% of the native RBCs were replaced with MetRBCs, without increasing Hct. Increasing Hct with MetRBCs lowered MAP by 12 mm Hg when Hct was increased 12% above baseline. Further increases of Hct with MetRBCs progressively returned MAP to baseline, which occurred at 62% Hct, a 30% increase in Hct from baseline. These observations show a parabolic ''U'' shaped distribution of MAP against the change in Hct. Cardiac index, cardiac output divided by body weight, increased between 2 and 17% above baseline for the range of Hcts tested. Peripheral vascular resistance (VR) was decreased 18% from baseline when Hct was increased 12% from baseline. VR and MAP were above baseline for increases in Hct higher than 30%. However, vascular hindrance, VR normalized by blood viscosity (which reflects the contribution of vascular geometry), was lower than baseline for all the increases in Hct tested with MetRBC, indicating prevalence of vasodilation. These suggest that acute increases in Hct with MetRBCs increase endothelium shear stress and stimulate the production of vasoactive factors (e.g., nitric oxide [NO]). When MetRBCs were compared with functional RBCs, vasodilation was augmented for MetRBCs probably due to the lower NO scavenging of MetHb. Consequently, MetRBCs increased the viscosity related hypotension range compared with functional RBCs as NO shear stress vasodilation mediated responses are greater.Keywords: blood pressure; shear stress; NO bioavailability; hematocrit; plasma layer Increased hematocrit (Hct) above baseline is usually associated with elevation of systemic blood pressure due to the increase in blood viscosity. These effects were found in studies in which Hct was increased 40% or more above baseline (1-3). However, a recent study by Martini and coworkers (4) showed that mean arterial pressure (MAP) increases only when Hct is increased 20% above baseline using functional RBCs, and that MAP decreased when the change in Hct were less than 20%. In this range, cardiac output (CO) also increased and peripheral vascular resistance (VR) decreased (4, 5).According to Martini and colleagues (4), the cause of this paradoxical effect is that acute augmentation in Hct directly increases shear stress on the endothelium. This phenomenon may be due, in part, to the increase in viscosity and the decrease in cell-free layer (plasma layer) width, affecting blood properties and the endothelium interface, where shear signals are produced.Increased endothelial shear stress promotes production of endothelium vasoactive and nonvasoactive factors (6). Knockout mice deficient in endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthases, and ham...