The dissolution of magnesium, aluminium, and silicon from S-glass ravings in water at 30, 40 and 50 ~ C and from S-glass powders in water at 40 ~ C has been studied. The concentrations of magnesium and silicon reached 2 mg 1-1 or more depending upon the temperature and length of contact time, while the aluminium concentration reached no more than 0.2 mg I -I. The preferential leaching out of Mg (or MgO) by water from S-glass could be the initial step which causes and aggravates the degradation of S-glass filament reinforced composites. Weak ammonia solutions ranging from 0.04 to 0.000 08 M enhanced the dissolution of aluminium and magnesium, especially that of the former. In the experiments with S-glass ravings in boiling water in Pyrex glass flasks, complications arose as a result of the interactions between the alkaline ingredients of the Pyrex wares and the ingredients of S-glass. Rate relations are proposed and discussed for the dissolution process.
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