In this research Ni-NiAl3 multilayer composites were produced through reactive sintering in an open atmosphere using Ni and Al foils with a 250-μm initial thickness. The sintering was performed at 700°C under 2 MPa of pressure for 6 h. The microstructure and phase characterizations of the samples were performed. The hardness values of samples were determined using the Vickers indentation technique for the intermetallic and metallic regions as 765±60 HV and 90±10 HV, respectively. For the mechanical examinations, a perpendicular load was applied to the composite in order to observe the fracture behavior of the metallic-intermetallic laminate composites. SEM fracture surface analyses indicated that cracks initiated in the intermetallic region, and the crack propagation stopped when it reaches the ductile nickel phase. In addition, shielding-effectiveness measurements were performed. The MIL composite exhibits over 50 dB electromagnetic-shielding effectiveness against a very wide frequency range, from a few GHz to over 18 GHz. Keywords: intermetallics, MIL composites, fracture behavior, electromagnetic interference shielding V raziskavi so bili izdelani Ni-NiAl3 ve~plastni kompoziti z reakcijskim sintranjem na atmosferi in z uporabo Ni-in Al-folij z za~etno debelino 250 μm. Sintranje je bilo 6 h na 700°C, pri tlaku 2 MPa. Na vzorcih je bila izvedena karakterizacija mikrostrukture in faz. Trdota vzorcev je bila dolo~ena po Vickersu, 765±60 HV, za podro~ja intermetalnih faz in 90±10 HV pri osnovi. Za mehanske preiskave je bila uporabljena navpi~na obremenitev, za opazovanje obna{anja kompozita pri lomljenju kovinskih in intermetalnih lamel. SEM-preiskave prelomov so pokazale, da je za~etek razpoke v podro~ju intermetalne faze in da se {irjenje razpoke ustavi, ko pride v duktilno fazo niklja. Izvedene so bile tudi meritve u~inkovitosti za{~ite sevanja. MIL kompozit ka`e u~inkovitost pred elektromagnetnim sevanjem, vi{jo od 50 dB v zelo {irokem obmo~ju frekvenc od nekaj GHz do preko 18 GHz. Klju~ne besede: intermetalne zlitine, MIL kompoziti, obna{anje pri lomu, elektromagnetna interferen~na za{~ita