A new method arising from a gauge-theoretic approach to general relativity is applied to the formation of clusters in an expanding universe. The three cosmological models (Ω 0 =1, Ω Λ =0), (Ω 0 =0.3, Ω Λ =0.7), (Ω 0 =0.3, Ω Λ =0) are considered, which extends our previous application . A simple initial velocity and density perturbation of finite extent is imposed at the epoch z = 1000 and we investigate the subsequent evolution of the density and velocity fields for clusters observed at redshifts z = 1, z = 2 and z = 3. Photon geodesics and redshifts are also calculated so that the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies due to collapsing clusters can be estimated. We find that the central CMB temperature decrement is slightly stronger and extends to larger angular scales in the non-zero Ω Λ case. This effect is strongly enhanced in the open case. Gravitational lensing effects are also considered and we apply our model to the reported microwave decrement observed towards the quasar pair PC 1643+4631 A&B.Key words: Gravitation -cosmology: theory -cosmology: gravitational lensingcosmic microwave background -quasars: individual: PC1643+4631 A&B -galaxies: clustering
SECONDARY GRAVITATIONAL EFFECTRees and Sciama (1968) suggested that the presence of an evolving structure on the line of sight of a Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photon could significantly affect its observed temperature. This secondary gravitational effect is often described in terms of the potential well experienced by the CMB photon. For example, the potential well of a collapsing cluster becomes deeper over time so that the CMB photon has to climb out of a well deeper than that into which it fell, suffering a net loss of energy. As suggested in Rees and Sciama (1968) there is however a competing effect due to the extra time delay encountered by the photon. The overall effect can therefore be of either sign. The photon accumulates a redshift along its geodesic, resulting in a net temperature perturbation. In the weak-field approximation we have (see Martínez-González, Sanz & Silk 1990) where Φ is the gravitational potential of the perturbation and t is the cosmic time. A rough estimate of an upper limit to this effect can be estimated by assuming that the potential well varies from Φ = 0 to Φ = Φc during the time ⋆ Email: youri@mrao.cam.ac.uk that the photon traverses it, where Φc is the gravitational potential of a rich Abell cluster. In this case, we haveThe potential of the cluster can be related to the velocity dispersion σ through σ 2 = GM/R = Φc, where M and R are the mass and radius of the cluster. Assuming σ = 1000 km s −1 givesIn most cases, this anisotropy should therefore be small compared with other secondary anisotropies caused by the interaction of CMB photons with non-linear structures, such as the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. However, equation (1) is only valid in the linear regime and a fully relativistic treatment in the non-linear regime is necessary to estimate accurately the Rees-Sciama effect. Seve...