We investigate, theoretically and experimentally, the transmission of light through a thermal vapour of three-level ladder-type atoms, in the presence of 2 counter-propagating control fields. A simple theoretical model predicts the presence of electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) in this pure three-level system when the control field is resonant. Experimentally, we use 87 Rb in a large magnetic field of 0.62 T to reach the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime and realise a non-degenerate three-level system. Experimental observations verify the predictions over a wide range of detunings.The study of coherent phenomena in driven multi-level atomic systems is an active area of research [1]. Threelevel atoms driven by two applied fields display a variety of effects, including electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [2] and coherent population trapping [3]. By adding further fields and states, different phenomena have been observed such as the appearance of electromagnetically induced gratings/Bragg reflection [4][5][6] and electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) [7,8]. In contrast to the sharp increase in resonant transmission that characterises EIT, these effects are identified by a resonant transmission that can be decreased by the presence of additional control fields. A concomitant change in sign of dispersion can be used to switch between subluminal and superluminal light propagation [9][10][11][12]. Early work on EIA focussed on Zeeman-degenerate systems, where the interpretations of the phenomenon relied upon transfer of coherence [13][14][15] or population [16], with a minimum of four levels. More recently, EIA has been observed in a degenerate lambda system [17] and also in a four-level N -system [18], even when the degeneracy is lifted by applying a small magnetic field. The effects of thermal motion have also been investigated [19].Here we present the first experimental observation of EIA in a non-degenerate three-level ladder system. In a thermal 87 Rb vapour, the degeneracy is lifted by a strong magnetic field, in which the atoms enter the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime [20][21][22] where all transitions are separated in frequency by more than the Doppler width. EIA is observed by detecting the transmission of a weak probe beam [23] through the atomic vapor which is dressed by both co-and counter-propagating control beams. The control beams have the same optical frequency and are resonant with an excited-state transition forming a ladder system similar to standard EIT configurations [24]. A model based on [25] reproduces the experimental results and highlights the prominent role of fast atoms.The richness of this system comes from multi-photon resonances involving both control beams, that can occur for moving atoms. In the rest frame of an atom moving with velocity v, the two control fields of wavenumber k c * daniel.whiting@durham.ac.uk For even numbers of control photons (ii) we can form resonances between states |1 and |2 forThe interaction between these resonances and the main two-level ...