We have measured the complex conductivity s xx of a two-dimensional electron system in the quantum Hall regime up to frequencies of 6 GHz at electron temperatures below 100 mK. Using both its imaginary and real part we show that s xx can be scaled to a single function for different frequencies and several transitions between plateaus in the quantum Hall effect. Additionally, the conductivity in the variable-range hopping regime is used for a direct evaluation of the localization length j. Even for large filling factor distances dn from the critical point we find j~dn 2g with a scaling exponent g 2.3. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.5124 PACS numbers: 73.43.-f, 71.23.An, 71.30.+h, 72.20.My It is widely accepted that the understanding of the integer quantum Hall effect (QHE) is closely related to a disorder driven localization-delocalization transition occurring in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) in high magnetic fields [1]. Many experimental and theoretical works approve the interpretation of the transition between adjacent QHE plateaus as a quantum critical phase transition. It is governed by a diverging localization length j~jE 2 E c j 2g which scales with the distance of the energy E from the critical energy E c in the center of a Landau band. The exponent g ഠ 2.3 is believed to be a universal quantity independent of disorder. For finite systems with effective size L eff theory predicts that the conductivities s ab follow scaling functions s ab f ab ͓L eff ͞j͑E͔͒ resulting in a finite width DE~L 21͞g eff of the transition region. The effective system size L eff is determined by the physical sample size, the electron temperature T , or the frequency f.The most common test of scaling uses an analysis of the temperature or frequency dependence of the conductivity peak width in the QHE plateau transition. However, lacking an exact expression for L eff ͑T , f͒, this method does not allow direct access to the scaling behavior of the localization length.An alternative approach to scaling was proposed by Polyakov and Shklovskii [2]. Using the fact that the conductivity s xx in the QHE plateaus at low temperatures is dominated by variable-range hopping (VRH) [3] a direct access to the localization length j can be gained from analyzing the dependence of s xx on temperature, current, and frequency. Experimentally mainly the temperature dependence of s xx in the VRH regime was investigated [4]. However, due to an unknown theoretical prefactor, j could only be estimated from these experiments.In contrast, the frequency driven variable-range hopping conductivity s xx ͑f͒ [in the limit s xx ͑f͒ ¿ s xx ͑0͒] is given by [2] Res xx ͑v͒ 2p 3 ee 0 jv ,linearly depending on both frequency f v͞2p and localization length j with no unknown prefactors.Here we report on measurements of the complex conductivity s xx up to frequencies f 6 GHz at low temperatures down to below 100 mK. We will show that Im͑s xx ͒ can be scaled with a single-parameter function to Re͑s xx ͒, independent of temperature, frequency, and filling factor. ...