emission of greenhouse gas because of fouling organisms settled on the submerged surfaces. [6][7][8] Biofouling can also destroy port and fishery infrastructures severely, such as clogging circulation piping. [9] In addition, marine biofouling can cause heavy economic burden. [6] For instance, according to the investigation of A. Abbott et al., [10] the additional expenses on the voyage San Francisco-Yokohama increased by $78 300 (≈77%), and the extra cost of the single voyage on Rotterdam-Calcutta increased by $143 375 (≈58%), which were due to ship's hull fouling. Strategies to prevent biofouling have been developed, including non-coating (electrical, irradiation, sonochemical techniques, surface cleaning, etc.) and coating techniques. [11] Among them, the coating techniques can be broadly divided into biocidal antifouling paints, fouling-release coatings and fouling-resistant coatings. [11][12][13] As an environment-friendly material, hydrogel has been applied in lots of fields, such as tissue engineering, [14,15] drug delivery, [16] cell engineering, [17] shape memory, [18] sensors, and soft robots. [19,20] Studies have proved that certain soft and wet surfaces, such as external layers of dolphins, porpoises, and killer whales in the marine environment, are not fouled by macrofoulers. [21] Inspired by bionics, hydrogel has been studied as an antifouling material. For example, the 3rd generation hydrogel silicone fouling release technology of Hempel has been commercialized. They modified the surface of commercial polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrixes with self-stratifying hydrogelpromoting polymers, which markedly improved the fouling resistance. [22] Kihak Gwon et al. [23] prepared several antibacterial MOF-embedded hydrogels by thiolene photopolymerization between diacrylated PEG (PEG-DA) and 4-arm thiolated PEG (4-arm PEG-SH) under UV irradiation. These MOF-embedded hydrogels were very stable and showed excellent antibacterial activity. As a special kind of hydrogel, metal-organic gels or metallogels (MOGs) are usually made up with metal ions and organic ligands through metal coordination bonds, electrostatic, van der Waals, hydrophobic, hydrogen bonding, and π-π stacking interactions. [24,25] Because of the excellent surface affinity, stimulation response and high specific surface area, MOGs can be used in medicine, environment, biology, sensing, and adsorption. [26][27][28] Nevertheless, until now, the MOGs have not been reported in the marine field for resisting biofouling.2-Amino-5-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (C 2 H 3 N 3 S 2 , AMT) is white-yellowish powdered crystalline solid at room temperature, which is regarded as a planar, pentaheterocyclic Metal-organic gels or metallogels (MOGs), which usually made up with metal ions and organic ligands, are promising in the area of medicine, environment, and biology. Herein, a new metal-organic gel containing Cu + (Cu-MOG-5) is prepared at room temperature using 2-amino-5-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (AMT) and CuI. Considering the excellent low surface energy chara...