Propagation rate coeffi cients, k p , of the radical polymerization of N , N -dimethylacrylamide ( N , N -dimethylprop-2-enamide), N -methylmethacrylamide ( N ,2-dimethylprop-2-enamide), and methacrylamide (2-methylprop-2-enamide) in aqueous solution are measured via pulsed-laser polymerization in conjunction with size-exclusion chromatography within wide ranges of monomer concentration, temperature, and pressure. As observed for aqueous solutions of other monomers, k p decreases signifi cantly towards higher monomer concentration. For methacrylamide, a higher activation energy and a larger volume of activation are found as compared with N , N -dimethylacrylamide. These two activation parameters are almost identical for N -methylmethacrylamide and for N , N -dimethylacrylamide. radical polymerization processes. Among them, the propagation rate coeffi cient, k p , is of particular relevance. For k p measurement, pulsed-laser polymerization (PLP) in conjunction with polymer analysis by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is the well-established method recommended by the IUPAC Subcommittee on "Modeling of Polymerization Kinetics and Processes". [ 5 ] By PLP-SEC, k p is determined via Equation 1 :where X b is the degree of polymerization at the point of infl ection (POI) of the molar-mass distribution (MMD), which may be found from maxima in the fi rst-derivative curve of the logarithmic MMD. [ 6 ] X 1 is obtained from the position of the fi rst such maximum on the low-molar-mass side of the MMD and is identifi ed with the number of propagation steps occurring in the preselected time interval t 0 between two successively applied laser pulses. Monomer concentration, c M , is determined as the arithmetic mean of monomer concentrations before and after application of the sequence of laser pulses required for generating the PLP sample for SEC analysis. The degree of monomer conversion should not exceed a few percent to avoid signifi cant changes in monomer concentration, which would