. Can. J. Cheni. 56,772 (1978). The microwave rotational spectrum of rncthylthioacetonitrile has been studied in the frequency range 18-37 GHz. The spectrum found is that of the grrrrclre conformer. The nonobservation of the spectrum of the !rc~tr.s conformer indicates that its abundance is less than about 5%. The rotational and centrifugal distortion constants for the ground vibrational state of the gcrr~clre confomier are: A = 7715.123 MHz, B = 2641.756 MHz, C = 2174.538 MHz, DK = 0.6824 MHz, DJK = -2.52 kHz, and DJ = 1.96 kHz. The observed rotational constants are compatible with a dihedral angle of 66 & 5" and a CSC angle of 104 & 2;. The dipole moment of the gcrriclre conformer has been determined as 3.02 D. Vibrational satellites due to S-CH, torsion have been observed and a torsional frequency of 101 cni-' has been estimated from relative intensity measurements. R. KEWLEY. Can. J. Chem. 56.772(1978). The present investigatioli represents an extension of our recent interest in straight chain rnethoxy derivatives. The first microwave spectroscopy study of a molecule closely related to methylthioacetonitrile, CH,SCH2CN, was Hirota's (1) work on butyronitrile, CH3CH2CH2CN, which was found to be present in the gas phase as both gnuclle and t r u l l .~ conformers, related by rotation around the CH,-CH2 bond. 111 addition Hirota concluded that the energy difrere~ice between the two conformers is less than 1 kcal mol-I. In our laboratory it was deterniined that metlioxyacetonitrile, CH,OCH,CN, is predominantly in the gcruclle forni with a small amount of higher energy (by about 1.4 kcal mol-') trails form also present (2). By contrast we found that 3-nietlioxypropio~iitrile, CH,0CH2CH2CN, exists almost entirely as a fi~lly trmls conformer (3). Recent niicrowave studies of niolecules of the type CH,OCH,X, X = F, C1, Br, and CECH, each resulted in the detection of a sole conformer, the guuclle (4-7). The Raman and infrared spectra of methyl propargyl ether, C H , 0 C H 2 C~C H , are explicable in terms of a predominant guuclle confornier in the solid, liquid, and vapor states (8). The infrared spectrum of metliylthioacetonitrile in the liquid, solid, and dissolved states has been investigated recently by Owen and co-workers (9). They were unable to obtain the gas phase infrared spectrum because of the low vapor pressure of CH3SCH2CN at room temperature. Solution infrared spectra were interpreted as showing 110 evidence of rotational isomerism. On the other hand spectral changes during warming and cooling between the solid and liquid phases did indicate that rotational isomerization was taking place. They also measured the dipole moment of CH,SCH,CN in solution in toluene. The observed value of 3.10 D is below the values of 3.2 and 5.0 D which they predicted from bond moments for the gcr~iche and trcnis conformers, I-espectively. This indicates that the proportion of gauclie confornier is close to 100%.In view of the ambiguous nature of the results of the infrared and dipole monient study a liiicrowave investigatio...