The microwave spectra of twelve isotopic species of cis propanal (CH3CH2CHO) and six isotopic forms of the less stable gauche rotamer have been studied to determine accurate structural parame ters for both conformers. The following bond lengths (Ä) and angles (°) were derived: (9) 125.1 (9) 128.2 (3) Introduction Propanal (CH3CH2CHO) exists in the form of two rotational conformers in the gas phase, cis and gauche. Recently we reported [1] an extension to previous microwave work on propanal [2, 3, 4] which enabled us to compare the barriers to internal rotation of the methyl group in the two conformers. The purpose of the present paper is to present accurate structures for both conformers.The microwave spectrum of cis propanal is straight forward and has been extensively studied [2,4,5]. With the present work, isotopic data are now avail able for substitution at each atomic position in the molecule.The microwave spectrum of gauche propanal is more complicated because doublets, appear even in the ground state, due to + tunnelling. Study of the spectrum has also been limited because of the un Reprint requests to Dr. A. Peter Cox, School of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, BS8 ITS. favourable energy difference between the conformers, AH (gauche -cis) = 420(27) cm "1 [5], Recently we have obtained the A rotational constant for several species by the use of radiofrequency microwave dou ble resonance techniques. This information and data from assignment of carbon-13 spectra have been used to derive accurate structural information for the gauche conformer.
ExperimentalThe microwave frequencies measured in the present work are given in Tables 1 and 2. The CH2DCH2CHO species were prepared and studied as described in Reference [6]. The cis car bon-13 species were studied in natural abundance using a pulsed molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometer at Ann Arbor, details of which may be found in [7]. The high energy gauche form was not detected by this technique.The remaining cis and gauche species studied in this work were observed using the Bristol 100 kHz Stark 0932-0784 / 88 / 0300-283 $ 01.30/0. -Please order a reprint rather than making your own copy.