We reply to the Comment by T. Klein, P. Rodière and C. Marcenat [1], on our paper, "Precision global measurements of London penetration depth in FeTe0.58Se0.42", Phys. Rev. B 84, 174502 (2011). Our work was motivated by Klein et. al, "Thermodynamic phase diagram of Fe(Se0.5Te0.5) single crystals in fields up to 28 Tesla", Phys. Rev. B 82, 184506 (2010). In their paper, Klein et al. have attributed a factor of five difference in the value of the London penetration depth obtained from their tunnel diode resonator (TDR) measurements and calculated from the "field of first penetration" to the surface roughness, although they have not verified it experimentally. In our paper, we have studied the effects of deliberately introduced surface roughness and found that its effects are minor and cannot be responsible for the difference of such magnitude. Instead, we suggest that the value of the "field of first penetration" measured with Hall -arrays cannot be used to extract a true lower critical field due to several reasons outlined in our Reply. We emphasize that the accuracy of the calibration procedure of the TDR technique has been carefully verified in several prior studies and our work on FeTe0.58Se0.42 further confirms it. We show that in their Comment, Klein et. al use wrong arguments of the universal behavior of the superfluid density in the gapless limit, because it is inapplicable for the multi -band superconductors. We also discuss the applicability of the clean -limit γ− model and the influence of the disorder on the obtained results.In their paper on the properties of Fe(Te 0.5 ,Se 0.5 ) superconductor [2], Klein et al. have estimated the "lower critical field" from the measurements of the "field of first penetration" measured by using miniature Hall -probe array and they also measured a change in the London penetration depth, ∆λ(T ), using tunnel diode resonator (TDR) technique. The two measurements have produced conflicting results, which Klein et al. have attributed to a factor of five difference between TDR calibration and the "real" ∆λ due to the surface roughness. However, Klein et al. have newer verified their conjecture experimentally.The application of the tunnel -diode resonator (TDR) technique to study superconductors has been in development for the past 20 years (see e.g., Refs. [3,4]) and its calibration procedure has been firmly established and verified on various systems starting from the original works on Nb [5] and the cuprates [6]. More recently we carried out a joint study by TDR, microwave cavity perturbation technique and muon -spin rotation (µSR) measurements obtaining close results on Ba(Fe,Co) 2 As 2 (BaCo122) pnictide superconductor [7]. Finally, we recently measured the same sample by using local scanning SQUID and TDR and obtained excellent agreement between the two techniques [8]. We found that it was very important to study the same physical samples to arrive at this conclusion.In their Comment, Klein et al. support their conjecture of the influence of surface roughness by citing ...