In the past, the planetary radiation balance served to quantify the atmospheric greenhouse effect by the difference between the globally averaged near-surface temperature of ns T ≅ 288 K and the respective effective radiation temperature of the Earth without atmosphere of e T ≅ 255 K resulting in ns e T T − ≅ 33 K . Since such a "thought experiment" prohibits any rigorous assessment of its results, this study considered the Moon as a testbed for the Earth in the absence of its atmosphere. Since the angular velocity of Moon's rotation is 27.4 times slower than that of the Earth, the forcing method, the force-restore method, and a multilayer-force-restore method, used in climate modeling during the past four decades, were alternatively applied to address the influence of the angular velocity in determining the Moon's globally averaged skin (or slab) temperature, α . Thus, the effective radiation temperature yields flawed results when used for quantifying the atmospheric greenhouse effect.