results in laborious and complicated multilayer assembly with sub-Newton force ranges. [12] MEMS manufacturing also limits the sensing area to that of a silicon wafer. [13] Other tactile sensors which have large sensing areas have been limited to normal force sensing only, [14,15] or have had limited flexibility. [16] Microfluidic eutectic indium gallium tactile sensors have achieved remarkable flexibility but are potentially hazardous if ruptured. [17] Therefore, there is a need for a flexible, large area tactile sensor array capable of shear force sensing in addition to normal force sensing.The transduction method also plays an important role in the design and performance of tactile sensors. Flexible tactile sensor arrays typically utilize parallel-plate style capacitors, [18] or resistive serpentines or strips to detect applied loads. [19] Elastomer-based piezoresistive sensors tend to suffer from electromechanical hysteresis, [20,21] while capacitive sensors require significant efforts in shielding. [11,22] Thus, an alternate sensing modality was needed to be more practical in the field.In this work, two transduction methods (contact resistance and capacitive) were explored, Figure 1. A contact resistance sensing technique is proposed to simplify electronics, avoid the need for capacitive shielding, and minimize electromechanical hysteresis at the expense of DR. Two conductive features, referred to as the "pillar" and "pad", come into physical contact as loads are applied. As a normal force is applied, the pillar and pads flatten and expand through the Poisson effect, and come into contact causing a uniform decrease in contact resistance on each side. Meanwhile, a shear force results in a differential contact resistance; contact resistance decreases in the direction of shear and increases on the opposite side.In the capacitive sensing approach, the sensor is encapsulated with a dielectric to form a capacitor between the pillar and pad. As a normal force is applied, the sensor flattens and expands through the Poisson effect, the capacitor gap increases, and the capacitance decreases on each side uniformly. Meanwhile, a shear force results in an increase in capacitance in the direction of loading, and a decrease in capacitance on the opposite side. Capacitive transduction was explored by the authors in previous work, but was revisited since taller features enabled by the manufacturing process presented in this paper can improve sensor sensitivity over prior work. [11] However, the capacitive shielding required to make these sensors useful in a wide range of applications was not a focus of this work.In order to achieve a flexible sensing skin, soft elastomers were the preferred material of choice. [2] Elastomers, such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), are especially favorable for these architectures since they are incompressible (Poisson's ratio near 0.5), which maximizes lateral expansion under normal deformation. The contact resistance approach differs from previous contact resistance work in that the sensor cir...