The article is devoted to the history of the use and destruction of forests in the Voronezh region. The main task of the study is to establish when the active anthropogenic impact on Voronezh forests began, and from what moment can we talk about their extermination for human needs. The article used the historical, comparative, analytical methods. To achieve the results, we used the data obtained by Voronezh historians and archaeologists, and materials of research in the field of forestry. The combination of these two areas of knowledge is a new method of research. It enables to establish that the first human settlements on the territory of the Voronezh region in the Upper Paleolithic (40-35 thousand years ago) did not leave traces of wooden products or constructions. The authors concluded that the Mesolithic man already actively used wood not only for heating and cooking, but also for building dwellings and for making tools. They hardly exerted a noticeable influence on the formation and evolution of tree stands by the virtue of their small number. The impact of people of the Neolithic and Early Aeneolithic could already be felt, but only in the immediate vicinity of the settlement itself. Arrival of Bronze Age cultures has greatly increased deforestation in the Middle Don region in the 3-2 millennium BC. Especially this process has accelerated with the advent of iron tools. Consequently, in our opinion, the middle of the 2nd millennium BC should be considered the starting point of the history of the Voronezh forest extermination, when slash-and-burn agriculture came to the forest-steppe.