The subject of the study is the security space of the countries of the Greater Middle Eastand North Africa and its significance for Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to identify the main trends in the geopolitical transformation of the Middle East regional system and to identify conflict issues that destabilize the region and deepen instability. Taking into account these facts, Ukraine will be able to systematically extract foreign economic policy in relation to the consolidated space of the Greater Middle East and North Africa.
Methodology (method). General scientific and special methods were used in the research process in order to achieve the goal and solve the outlined tasks: historical and logical, analysis and synthesis, generalization and quantitative comparison, visual (tabular and graphical) (to visualize the results of the study).
Results. It is determined that the system of regional international relations is in the conditions of cardinal changes, which leads to their restructuring, creation of a new balance of power and formation of new relations between the states. The structural structure of the Greater Middle East and North Africa region is established and the historical preconditions of its formation are detailed. The main tendencies to the geopolitical transformation of the Middle Eastern regional system are confirmed. Projects of restructuring the political map of the Middle East and the Muslim world and possible consequences for international security are analysed. The growing role of individual countries in the study region in the global economy, which is determined by the presence of significant natural resources, including oil and gas, is confirmed. The main challenges for development and stability in the Middle East have been identified, including local conflicts, the growth of terrorist acts, and ethnic problems. Local conflicts that destabilize the region, as almost all countries have sufficient resources to confront, are analysed. It has been confirmed that the most powerful countries in the region are increasing their military potential to secure their interests. It is determined that military conflicts in the region have a negative impact on the deepening of the deficit of natural resources, which significantly affects the global geopolitical picture of the world. Measures to be taken by Middle Eastern countries to ensure security policy in the region are proposed. The main interests of Ukraine in relations with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are analysed and recommendations for their implementation are given.