The anterior wall of the cavernous sinus (CS) represents an important landmark for endoscopic surgery that although mentioned before, no precise anatomical boundaries have been described. We describe the anatomical landmarks that delimit the anterior wall of the CS, emphasizing its importance as a reference for accessing the CS through endoscopic approaches.
Six adult cadaveric heads fixed with formaldehyde and injected with colored silicone were studied. In all the heads, an endonasal endoscopic approach to the sellar and parasellar regions was performed and the anatomy of the anterior wall of the CS was studied.
Four consistent anatomical landmarks that mark the limits of the anterior wall of the CS were found in all the specimens: anterosuperiorly, the lateral opticocarotid recess; posterosuperiorly, the medial opticocarotid recess; anteroinferiorly, the inferior part of the maxillary strut; and posteroinferiorly, the superolateral angle of the clival recess.
It is of paramount importance to recognize the anatomical landmarks that define the limits of the anterior wall of the CS to achieve a safe access to this so complex region.