The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice, approved in 2012, (hereafter referred to as Core Competencies) outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities that can be expected of new certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs). The Core Competencies are standards for midwifery education, and the document is an important guide for midwifery practice and policy. As a part of the 2012 revision, the Basic Competency Section of the ACNM Division of Education reviewed a variety of national and international documents to ensure that the basic education of CNMs/CMs is consistent with the practice of midwives in the United States and internationally. Few substantive changes were made to the document, but several areas were adjusted and clarified. New graduates continue to be prepared by midwifery education programs to provide safe, evidence-based midwifery care to women across the lifespan, well newborns up to 28 days, and sexual partners of women diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections.