Summary: One hundred and twenty-eight cases with chronic recurrent headaches were studied in Japanese children with regard to classification, the detailed clinical features, genetic data, and electroencephalographic and computed tomographic findings. The 128 children were classified into the following classes: 1) vascular headaches of migraine type, 46 %, 2) muscle-contraction headaches, 21 %, 3) psychogenic headaches, 14 %, 4) traction headaches, 2 %, 5) unclassifiable, 17 %. Clinical characteristics of migraine in children is summarized as unilateral (60 %) paroxysmal headaches localized in the frontal or temporal areas (76 %), sometimes with preceding symptoms (28 %) and almost all with nausea and/or vomitings (80 %). The frequency of headaches in 128 children was more than once a week (67 %) but the duration was shorter (77 %, less than a few hours) than those in adults. Appropriate classification of recurrent headaches in children and differentiation from epileptic headaches are also described.