In the case scenario, RJ is a resettled refugee teenager who presents to his physician with vitamin B12 deficiency, anemia, and symptoms of mental illness. This commentary considers social determinants of refugee health and the moral importance of freedom to achieve wellbeing. The capabilities framework is used to analyze this case because it offers an ethical framework for understanding and evaluating social determinants of refugee health that either promote or diminish freedom to achieve well-being. By using this framework to consider social isolation as a negative social determinant of refugee health, clinicians and institutions can be caregivers as well as advocates for social justice, fulfilling 2 core ethical obligations to refugee communities. Case Dr G is a physician who follows up with RJ, a 17-year-old resettled refugee, about his feelings of isolation and depression revealed in an earlier visit in which RJ needed a physical exam to get a work permit. RJ was subjected to psychological trauma during his early childhood and, from 2009 to 2013, lived in a refugee camp, where he learned English. After reviewing RJ's blood work from his last visit, Dr G explains to RJ that he is anemic and has a vitamin B12 deficiency, probably due to poor nutrition. Dr G inquires about RJ's daily life, school, and work. RJ spends most of his free time working to help support his grandparents, mother, and sister. Job opportunities are scarce, and RJ is currently the only member of the household earning an income. After further conversation, RJ reveals that he still feels depressed and isolated. "I have to work, so I don't have time to go to the outreach programs you recommended. Besides, my family and I just don't seem to fit in. We don't belong here." He describes how his family members have similar feelings and how he is worried about their health. Dr G and RJ discuss RJ's concerns and therapeutic options. RJ is not willing to take medication and says, "Why would I spend money on a drug just for me? It won't help. We are all so alone here."