The article is devoted to the problem of overcoming the contradiction between the requirements of society for inclusion in the ethno-social educational environment and providing comfortable intercultural communication. Therefore, the goal is to study "ethno-inclusion -ethno-exclusion" as a dual model of cross-cultural interaction. The study is presented as an area of scientific reflection describing the situation of interethnic interaction in the socio-cultural environment and revealing the behavioral vectors of the individual, allowing characterizing the current communicative situation in terms of the impact of extremism and negative socio-cultural transformations. The empirical base is the research conducted by the method of questioning of Tomsk state University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) students in 2017. As a methodological basis adapted by the authors' version of the method "Types of ethnic identity" G. U. Soldatova, S. V. Ryzhova was chosen. The dominant type, according to the results of surveys, was the type of "norm", suggesting an optimal balance of tolerance towards their own and other ethnic groups. The article presents the models of behavioral vectors correlating with the stages of cross-cultural adaptation process according to M. J. Bennett, that allows us to consider in detail the structure of positive ethnic identity (norm). Positive ethnic identity (norm), represented by the successive development of ethno-relativistic stages of perception of another culture, in its maximum value is defined as the stage of "integration", which is fixed among senior students. The functional stages of "recognition" and "adaptation" is of a transit nature and has fluctuating properties. In the analysis of ethnic identity, it is necessary to focus on the conceptual difference between them, integration as a normative form of cultural existence implies the presence of multiculturalism, a polyvariant image of the world and the multidimensionality of personal experience. The authors rely on their own system of indicators of the quality of the ethno-social educational environment. The materials of this article lay the foundations of interdisciplinary approaches to the formation of theoretical and methodological support of "ethno-inclusion" in the University environment and can be used in the educational process in the preparation of courses on intercultural communication, cultural studies, psychology, philosophy and other fields of knowledge related to the construction of a comfortable environment of cross-cultural interaction. 1