This study examines the experience of Gambian migrants in Libya. The article explores the root causes of irregular migration and factors that influence migrants to return. The article adopted a qualitative method and used a case study design to generate data from different sets of returnees. The study uses in-depth interviews with 50 returnees to enrich the data generated from secondary literature and official reports. The article also assesses the reintegration and support programs offered to returnees to enable them to effectively resettle in the Gambia. While the article underscores the grave implication of irregular migration on the development of the Gambia and the lives of the migrants, significant progress has been made by the government of the Gambia and partners towards the governance of migration. The study found that even though irregular migration still happens in the Gambia, the rate and magnitude have reduced. The article recommends remodeling agriculture and making it enticing for young people as well as supporting young people in entrepreneurship will provide a lasting solution to irregular migration