Abstract-Comparative field studies were conducted during the rainy and dry seasons at the Mbita Point Field Station of ICIPE in southwestern Kenya, to investigate the pattern and rate of dispersal of Aphis craccivora on aphid-resistant (ICV-12) and aphid-susceptible (ICV-1) cowpea cultivars in relation to key weather factors. The effects of the dispersal trends on crop performance and aphid population dynamics were analysed. Treatments consisted of initial aphid releases at the north, south, west, east and centre of test plots and uninfested controls maintained on plants for 22 days. Parameters recorded included: pattern (direction of spread of aphids) and rate (number of aphidinfested plants at a given time) in test plots; crop growth and yields and associated factors such as incidence of sooty mould and plant mortality, and aphid density and associated factors, including the incidence of natural enemy species, particularly coccinellids. Dispersal was fastest when releases were made in the west, north and centre of plots, and resulted in adverse effects on ICV-1 growth and yields. Infestations of ICV-12 did not significantly affect crop performance. There was an apparent direct, positive relationship between wind direction and pattern of spread of aphid infestations, but this pattern was more apparent during the rainy season, when wind speeds were higher, than during the dry season. The incidence of natural enemy species correlated with the spread of aphid infestations, while the abundance of coccinellids correlated with aphid density.Key Words: Aphis craccivora, wind direction, within-field dispersal, phenology, cowpea, Vigna unguicidata, aphid natural enemies, bionomics, KenyaResume-Des essais comparatifs en champs on ete conduits en saison seche et en saison pluvieuse a la Station Experimentale de 1' ICIPE, a Mbita-Point (Sud-Ouest du Kenya). Ceux-ci avaient pour objet d'etudier, en fonction des facteurs climatiques principaux, le mode de repartition et les taux de dispersion du puceron Aphis craccivora chez cultivars de niebe, dont le premier (ICV-12) resistant et le second (ICV-1) sensible. Les effets du mode de dispersion sur la performance de la culture et la dynamique de populations du puceron etaient analyses. Les traitements consistaient en lachers initiaux de pucerons dans les points cardinaux (nord, sud, ouest, est, centre) des parcelles Les parametres etudies etaient la direction de dispersion du puceron et le taux d'infestation des plantes, a l'interieur des parcelles sous essais et a un temps donne; la croissance des plantes et les rendements. En plus de ces parametres, etaient etudies des facteurs associes comme 1' incidence de miellat et la deperissement de la plante; la densite du puceron et les facteurs associes dont: l'incidence des ennemis naturels et plus particulierement les coccinelles. La dispersion des pucerons etait plus rapide quand les lachers etaient effectues dans les parties ouest, nord ou centre des parcelles. De tels lachers avaient des effets nefastes sur la croissance et les ...