Ruthenium phosphorane complexes,
(Z = NMe, O), react with
lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) to give
(5). In this reaction,
one of the protons on the Cp ring is abstracted by LDA and then migration of the phosphorane
fragment to the Cp ring takes place. Treatment of 5 with RX (CH3I, PhCH2Cl, Ph3SnCl,
HOCOCF3, CD3I) yields
(2). The structure of one of the
was determined by X-ray analysis. A
reaction of a cationic phosphite complex,
with 2 equiv of LDA also gives 5. However, the following addition of RX at −30 °C gives the
unexpected phosphorane-migration complex
which contains one O atom and one N atom in apical positions and in equatorial positions as well.
The complex gradually isomerizes to a thermally more stable apical oxygen-equatorial
nitrogen isomer (2).