Rudall, Paula and Chase, Mark W. (Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3DS, United Kingdom) 1996. Systematics of Xanthorrhoeaceae sensu lato: evidence for polyphyly. Telopea 6(4): 629-647. This paper reviews the systematics of the ten genera of Xanthorrhoeaceae sensu lato in the light of significant new anatomical and molecular data which indicate that it is a polyphyletic assemblage. Dasypogon, Calectasia, Kingia and Baxteria belong together in Dasypogonaceae in the commelinoid clade, rather than with the other genera in the order Asparagales (Lilianae). Xanthorrhoea is taxonomically isolated and correctly placed in a monotypic family Xanthorrhoeaceae. The family Lomandraceae should include Acanthocarpus, Chamaexeros, Lomandra, Xerolirion and Romnalda (not Baxteria), together with other genera (the arthropodioids).