Primordial black holes (PBHs) are expected to gradually evaporate and then explode violently during the last few seconds of their lives, each one producing a burst of high energy particles. For PBHs evaporating near the Sun (r 1 pc), these particles could be detected in coincidence by several observatories with large fields of view, such as IceCube (neutrinos), HAWC (gamma rays) and Pierre Auger (gamma rays, neutrons and protons). The short temporal structure of the anticipated PBH evaporation signal provides a very low false positive rate for any possible detection. We will present the discovery potential of the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON) for PBH evaporation events. AMON aims to discover multimessenger transient sources by performing real-time and archival coincidence searches from multiple observatory subthreshold data streams. In this approach, a distinctive PBH evaporation signature may be probed by conducting coincidence analysis from a few years of subthreshold neutrino, gamma-ray and cosmic ray data. Detection of PBH evaporation events would be a scientific breakthrough confirming Hawking's hypothesis of black hole radiation and cosmological models of phase transitions, and would allow us to probe physics at the highest energy scale as well as quantum gravity. : 95.85.Pw, 95.85.Ry, 04.70.Dy