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Conference Paper
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Electromagnetics Technology Division Source Code: 437490
SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S)Sensors Directorate AFRL-SN-HS Air Force Research Laboratory 80 Scott Drive Hanscom AFB MA 01731-2909
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTStatement A: Approved for Public Release; distribution unlimited.
This work is copyrighted. © [2007] Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Presented at 2007 SPIE Defense andSecurity Symposium, Orlando, FL, 9 -13 April 2007. One or more of the authors is a U.S. Government employee working within the scope of their Government job; therefore, the U.S. Government is joint owner of the work and has the right to copy, distribute, and use the work. This work is supported by AFOSR; ESC/PA clearance: ESC 07-0394
ABSTRACTThis paper describes the application of biologically-inspired algorithms and concepts to the design of wideband antenna arrays. In particular, we address two specific design problems. The first involves the design of a constrained-feed network for a Rotman-lens beamformer. We implemented two evolutionary optimization (EO) approaches, namely a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) and a competent genetic algorithm. We conducted simulations based on experimental data, which effectively demonstrate that the competent GA outperforms the SGA (i.e., finds a better design solution) as the objective function becomes less specific and more "general." The second design problem involves the implementation of polyomino-shaped subarrays for sidelobe suppression of large, wideband planar arrays. We use a modified screen-saver code to generate random polyomino tilings. A separate code assigns array values to each element of the tiling (i.e., amplitude, phase, time delay, etc.) and computes the corresponding far-field radiation pattern. In order to conduct a statistical analysis of pattern characteristics vs. tiling geometry, we needed a way to measure the "similari...