pela inspiração nos momentos difíceis. Graças a eles consegui perseverar quando tudo mais parecia falhar.Epígrafe "Como dizia meu velho avô: Se quiser vir a ser alguma coisa, que devore os livros!". Ramón Gómez Valdez y Castilo seria mais simples. Todavia, mesmo neste caso, o dispositivo ainda precisaria de suporte para trabalhar em uníssono com as demais entidades pertencentes ao ambiente. Esta sinergia é incluída na especificação do ambiente integrador, porém, não faz parte dos resultados pretendidos para a presente pesquisa. Desta forma, a hipótese prevista trata os mecanismos necessários para a incorporação de dispositivos não-XIRP em um ambiente de produção compatível com o padrão XIRP, desde o processo de indexação/identificação do dispositivo à geração automática da aplicação de controle e integração em baixo nível, de modo a permitir a operação do mesmo.
Palavras-chave: Plug' n' Produce, XIRP, XML, Orocos, Sistema integrador. Abstract TAVARES, D. M. ACID: Control Architecture for Device Integration. 2010. 164 f. Tese (Doutorado) -Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010.The goal of this research is to adapt an industrial integration model based on the XML Interface for Robots and Peripherals (XIRP) communication protocol, such that it could be applied to the reality of Brazilian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).In order to enable this, it is necessary to study the existing industrial environments and the complexity involved in the device integration task. We observed these environments are manufacture centered considering the solutions created in terms of equipments and softwares. This is the example set by manufacturers like ABB, KUKA, Reis Robotics etc. The manufacturer detains the integration solution and the devices, and these can only be integrated in platforms of the same manufacturer.The industrial communication protocol, in this case XIRP, enables the communication among devices and controller systems in a standardized way, allowing devices from one manufacturer to communicate with systems from another. This protocol is based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and supplies the specification of the XML schema files, which allows the creation of a device description and the composition of messages to be exchanged among devices. Therefore a communication infrastructure and device integration system was built from the standard.Note that the XIRP standard was created considering processor based devices. As this standard is still in development, and in case of an eventual adaptation to it, it would be impracticable to change an entire production environment by means of equipment exchange. Therefore, this research project presents an infrastructure that consists in an integrator system to gradually adapt to this communication protocol. The proposed integrator system allows the incorporation of XIRP or non-XIRP devices. Considering a device already exchanges messages by means of XIRP compliant messages, its integration and operation would be simpler in a produ...